Every year thousands of people become Hafiz(the person of memorize the Quran) and there are almost 3.5+ Million Hafiz in the world. The majority of them are from Arab countries but a lot of people from Non-arab states are also memorizing it. The benefits of Quran memorization are much greater and they are promised in this world and after death as well. 

These benefits are in the form of rewards that are awarded by ALLAH. These rewards are awarded in different forms to Hafiz. Some of the rewards for Hafiz and the benefits of Quran memorization are given below. 

Health benefits

The Quran memorization helps in a lot of ways and the benefits are there in the form of health as well. 

It helps in relieving depression and anxiety as well. It cant be used as a proper medicine but according to research published in 2015. The people who memorize the Holy Quran have low rates of sleep disorders and anxiety as well. It also trains our brains and reduces disease chances as well. 

It also helps in improving the memory space and helps to learn things without forgetting them easily. 

Sharpen your memory | Boosting memory

The brain is like a muscle and it becomes stronger when you exercise it more. The exercise of the brain can be solving a problem, learning a skill, or memorizing something. During Quran memorization, the child/person tries to read the words and verses, again and again, to store them inside the memory. In the beginning, it looks difficult, but after practicing for some days the brain becomes trained to memorize. 

The job does not end here after memorizing. After memorization, the most difficult and tricky part is to retain that knowledge or information inside the brain. It is only practice when you revise on a regular basis or after some days. In this way, it helps you to train your brain and increase your learning power and storage space as well. 

benefits of quran memorization

We can conclude that the child can learn things fast and retaining and memorizing that information is easy for a child. So, prefer to start your Quran memorization in childhood instead of young age. 

Become a leader

While assigning the leadership role to the companions, the Prophet (S.A.W) preferred to choose the person with high knowledge of the Quran. Hafiz e Quran has more value and respect in our religion and Muslim society as well. So, the love and dedication of Hafiz towards the Holy Quran can lead him to become the leader of the society or group. More knowledge of the Quran helps to understand the purpose of this world and social responsibilities. Without having the knowledge of the Quran it is very difficult for the leader to treat the people according to the teachings of Islam(QURAN).  

Learn about Islam(Deen)

While memorizing the Quran, the hafiz may come across the Tafsir of any verse. This way he can increase his knowledge about Islam. Memorizing the verses and understanding them can help Hafiz to increase his knowledge of the Quran and Islam. 

Develop the habit of self-control

Quran gave its followers and readers the ability to distinguish between wrong and right. After analyzing wrong and right, it creates self-control inside a person to stop him from sinning. Knowing about the message of ALLAH can lead us on the right path and avoid the path of Satan. 

How to memorize Quran?

Quran memorization is the second or third step in learning the Quran. After completing Noorani Qaida and Quran recitation you can move towards Quran memorization. We are offering Online Quran Memorization Classes. We have experienced Quran tutors who can help you from start to end in your learning journey. Also, these classes are one-to-one live classes. 

We are running this institute since 2015 and we have a talented and experienced team of tutors. We are providing online Quran classes in different countries. If you want to join us in this journey then you can take further course details from here

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