The Holy Quran is revealed by Allah and reciting it has a lot of benefits and importance. If you start repeating it on a daily basis then you can come across a lot of benefits. These benefits will also help you in this world and after your death. The benefits are related to your mental health, your soul, in this world, after death, and your parents and relatives as well. 

Understanding of the Quran

As the Quran is written in Arabic, it is unnecessary that you can understand the Arabic language because it is not your mother tongue. So, continuing reading the Holy Quran can lead you towards the translation and tafseer of the Holy Quran. In this way, you can understand the Holy Quran and understand the message of Allah. After understanding the Holy Quran you can implement it in your personal and social life as well. As the Quran has a complete roadmap for living our life according to the rules of Allah. 

Understand the Message of Allah

Quran is the message of Allah and we cant understand the Holy Quran if we are not familiar with the Arabic language. Quran helps us to live our life according to the rules of Allah and these rules are related to our personal life, family life, and social life as well. So, we can say that all the things related to our life are explained in Quran and we just need to understand them. 

The solution to our problems

The Quran is providing a complete lesson for living our life. The problems are related to our life and we can get the solution to these problems with the help of the Quran. The problems can be personal, economic, social, injustice, etc. We can solve all of them by understanding and reading the Quran on a daily basis. 

Ability to distinguish between right and wrong

After understanding and reading the Quran you become familiar with rights and sins. After understanding right and wrong you start implementing these things in your life. You start practicing the things which are loved by ALLAH and start ignoring the things which are not loved by ALLAH. In this way, you can distinguish between wrong and right on the basis of knowledge. 

Rewards us in the afterlife

Each and every letter of the Quran has 10 rewards for reading and the reward increases when you start memorizing the Quran and understanding the Quran. Your recitation in this world will be beneficial after your death and you will get the rewards after your death as well. So, it can lead you toward the Jannah if your performed your worship for the sake of ALLAH. 

Makes heart softer

Daily recitation of the Quran Kareem helps you to understand the real truth about this world. You understand that no one is better than others in this world and you are not alone in this world who is suffering. Also, you start helping the needy people because you understand that ALLAH will help you in your bad time as well. In this way, daily recitation can help you in many ways in your personal life. 

Key to Jannah

From below the hadith of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) you can understand that it can help you to enter the Jannah. 

importance of reciting quran and its benefits


The recitation of the Quran on a daily basis has multiple benefits. These things can help you better your life in this world and the life after death as well. So, it is necessary for every Muslim to start reading the Quran each day. At least try to read the verse each day to learn and understand the message of Allah for a better in this world and hereafter. 

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