Tafsirs means the clarification and explanation of the Quran. For the understanding and explanation of the Quran, you need to go through some steps. This journey of learning starts from Noorani Qaida and then the recitation of the Holy Quran. After passing through these steps you can finally start your learning about Tafsir e Quran. The importance of Tafsir along with its history and meaning is mentioned below. Let us have a look at the Tafsir basics, and then we will learn how to start your Tafsir journey with us. 

Meaning of Tafsir

Tafsir is an Arabic word derived from “Fassara” which means the understanding, clarification, and understanding of the words of Allah “Quran”. Tafisr has a lot of importance because it helps you to understand the words of Allah. Also, it helps you to create a strong and deep connection with your creator (Allah). Before understanding the importance of Tafsir, let us see the history of Tafsir. 

History of Tafsir

The history of the Tafsir starts with the Prophet(S.A.W). After the revelation of each verse, he explains and meaning and reason for the revelation of that verse to his companions. After the death of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), his companions started their job. They start teaching the meaning of the Quran to their students according to the teachings of the Prophet (S.A.W), and they were Abdullah Ibn Abbas, Ali Ibn Abee Talib, etc. After their death, their students started teaching their students and the process of teaching continued from person to person. 

Importance of Tafsir

Tafsir e Quran has a lot of importance in Islam and in the life of Muslims. It helps people in many ways to take the knowledge from Quran. Quran has the solutions to all the problems, but you can not get these solutions without having the understanding and knowledge of the Quran Kareem. For that purpose, Tafir e Quran will help you to understand the Quran verses and their purpose as well. 

Worship according to the rules of the Quran and Sunnah

Quran and Sunnah are directly connected with each other. Sunnah means all those actions which were performed by Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). For having complete and in-depth knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah, Tafir will help you. After gaining that knowledge, it will be directly implemented into your worship as well. Which is our main purpose in learning about Tafsir e Quran. 

A better understanding of the Quran

For a better understanding of the Holy Quran, it is necessary to understand the Holy Quran through learning each verse. It is only possible when you will start learning the Tafsir. The Tafsir will help you to learn the meaning of the verses, their explanation, and the purpose of the revelation of each verse as well. 

Learn the history of the Islam

In Quran, a lot of references are available about different prophets of Allah. All these references have a lot of lessons for this Ummah. For learning about different Prophets, it is necessary to understand the Quran, and for that purpose, it is only possible through the help of the Tafsir course. 

Create a strong bond with Allah

The Quran explains the blessings of Allah on us. It starts from our birth, our body, our environment, and countless blessings are there. For having a deep knowledge about all of them, you can get it from Quran. After having that understanding, it will create a strong connection between you and Allah. 

Understand the accurate meaning of verses of the Quran

In Tafsir, you will go through the meaning of the verses, the explanation of the verses, references of the verses, and the purpose of the revelation of each verse. So, it will help you to gain more knowledge about Quran. 

How to learn Tafsir e Quran?

We are offering Tafsir e Quran course at Voice of Quran Academy. We have a dedicated and experienced list of teachers, who are teaching Tafsir e Quran for many years. Take your free trial classes with us and then decide your journey of learning with us. 

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