For learning the Quran at home, there are multiple solutions to it. But before going to the answer we need to find a roadmap for learning the Quran. It requires the knowledge from basics to the advanced level. At the basic level of learning you need to learn the basics of the Arabic language, its grammar, phonetics, and much more. 

The understanding of the Arabic language for learning the Holy Quran starts with learning the Noorani Qaida. After learning the Noorani Qaida, the next step is to start learning the recitation of the Quran. All this happens under a teacher and it’s not possible to learn it without having a tutor. If Arabic is not your mother tongue then it will be difficult for you to learn it fast, because you need to learn the basics of the Arabic language and it will take some time. Let us see a roadmap for learning the Quran from start to end with its resources. 

Learn Noorani Qaida

Noorani Qaida is the first step towards learning and understanding of the Holy Quran. In Noorani Qaida, the course content is related to the Arabic alphabet, Arabic words, Arabic sentences, and much more. 

At a basic level, it helps you to build your knowledge of Arabic. After completing it properly you will be able to start Quran recitation. In Quran recitation, you have to connect the alphabet and it makes the words and the words will make the sentences. For all this, you need to master the Noorani Qaida. 

Fortunately, the Voice Of Quran is offering an online course related to Noorani Qaida. This course will help you to gain the basic knowledge which is required to start learning the Quran and its recitation. 

Start Quran recitation

If Arabic is not your mother tongue, then you have to start your journey by learning the Noorani Qaida. After learning the Noorani Qaida you will be moved to learn the first chapter of the Holy Quran. After completing it, the journey will continue till the completion of 30 chapters of the Holy Quran. 

For the completion of the Quran recitation, you will need to learn Arabic phonetics, learn about grammar, alphabets, letters, etc. After learning all these things you can complete the recitation of the Quran. 

If you want to learn it from home, we offer the Quran recitation course. Check the details about this course and start your learning with our tutors. 

Quran Quran tajweed

The rules and regulations for learning the Arabic language and its pronunciation. One single pronunciation can change the meaning of the complete verse. So, it is necessary to learn the Quran tajweed along with the Quran recitation. It will help you to understand the rules and regulations for reading the Arabic language and Quran Kareem as well. 

We are also providing the online course for Quran Tajweed and you can join us. We will cover all the concepts from beginner to advance level. Check the course details and let us know about it.

Quran memorization

After completing the Quran tajweed and Quran recitation, you can continue your journey towards the memorization of Quran Majeed. This course will help you to learn the complete 30 chapters of the Quran with Tajweed. 

For joining the online Quran memorization course, check out the details about the Quran memorization course and start taking your online free trial classes. 

Quran tafseer or Tafsir

Quran Tafseer or Tafsir means learning the meaning of the verses of the Quran and understanding the Quran. It will further explain the reasons for the Quran’s revelation and the relation of each verse. All the details about each verse will be explained in this course. 

If you want to understand the purpose of the Quran and its translation with Tafseer then it is the best time to start our online Tafseer e Quran course. 


We have mentioned the complete roadmap for learning the Quran from start to end. If you are nonarabic then it will consume a lot of your time in learning about Arabic language, word pronunciation, understanding the meaning and details of verses, and Quran translation as well. But for Arabic people, the journey will be easy. 

If you are committed and excited about learning the Quran then you can easily learn it by spending 30 minutes each day with any tutor. 

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