Quran Memorization is worship, and this worship is allowed just for the sake of Allah. Many Muslims start reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran at different age levels. It all depends on society’s preferences, family preferences, and also on the preferences of children or adults. Majority of the Muslims start reciting the Holy Quran at a young age but a few of them starts reciting after teenage or old age. 

But the Quran recitation and memorization are not limited to a specific age of people. It is allowed for all Muslims at any age but the memorization process and speed can vary at different age levels. Let us discuss what is the perfect age to start Quran memorization. 

Best age to memorize Quran

There is no specific or exact age number for starting Quran memorization. It all depends on the parent’s interest and the child’s ability to memorize. But two different ages have different abilities to learn and Memorize the Quran. 

At the child level, the energy and motivation level of a child is high. As a result, the chances of memorizing the Quran are also high. Because each day you have to learn new lessons and store them in your brain. The children do not have extra work and responsibilities. As a result, they can easily retain that information due to their focus. 

In adults the process is different. They have different responsibilities and their level of motivation becomes down as well. The chances to store the lessons of each day also become difficult. It does not mean that adults can’t memorize the Quran. They can memorize but they required more effort as compared to a child. 

Science about memorizing process:

Many scientists say that the best age for learning and memorization is 6-15. At this age, the child can easily learn anything. Daily memorization also develops the brain and increases memory as well. 

Can a child start Quran memorization before the age of 6?

Yes, we have seen a lot of cases in which children learn the Quran before the age of six but they are rare cases. Each child has different preferences and different abilities. It is not possible for every child to memorize it before the age of six. 

So, if the child agrees and he has the ability to memorize it, then motivate him to complete this task otherwise do not force him. 

Is it possible for adults to complete Quran memorization?

Yes, it is possible for adults to start Quran memorization. In adults, the responsibilities increase and motivation level decreases. Also, the intelligence level becomes low as well, as compared to a child. 

How much time is required to complete Quran memorization?

The average time to learn and memorize the Quran is 1-3 years but it depends on some factors as well:

  • Age
  • Motivation level
  • Arabic or non-Arabic
  • Daily time spent on memorization
  • Memorization intelligence

Quran memorization through online classes?

In Non-Muslim states it is impossible to find a nearby mosque and find a tutor for children to memorize the Quran. So, we can take advantage of technology. We are offering different courses related to Quran. It includes Quran recitation, Quran memorization, Tafseer e Quran, and much more. 

Check these courses and starts your learning journey with our talented teachers.

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