Surah Rahman is a great Surah like Surah Yasin of the Quran. It has a lot of benefits during reading/reciting. It gives inner peace while reciting just like other SURAH of the Quran and gives solutions to a lot of problems. But the question is, can this Surah (Surah Rahman) help Muslims in different matters of life like achieving goals, curing illness and marriage, etc?

Benefits of reading Surah Rahman:

The holy Quran is the last book from Allah (SWT). It was revealed just to guide humanity to the right path through the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).

Quran has so many advantages and benefits from different aspects and they are rewards of reading/reciting it, Knowing that part of the Prophet’s history, and elaborating on how the day of judgment will be.
Each Surah has a different purpose and goal of revelation. One of the most important and significant surahs is “Surah Rahman”. This Surah explains the beautiful creations of ALLAH (SWT) and blessings on human beings. A lot of portions is describing the Junnah and its beauty.


Reading surah Rehman for blessings
Recite Surah Rahman for the best healthy life
Reciting it for wellness and mental health
Reading for marriage
Reciting Surah Rehman for the fulfillment of our daily life needs
Reciting for protection
Reading for success in life and hereafter

Adorment of Quran:

Abdullah Ibn Mus’ud quotes: Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said:
“Everything has an adorment,
And adorment of Quran is Surah_Rahman”.

These hadith tell us the importance of this Surah because it is considered to be the adornment of the whole Quran. It also recommended that Muslims listen to it and then interact with the meaning of its verses.
This Surah is moving from speaking about the greatness of ALLAH’s creation and ending at the fact that ALLAH has created this universe and blessed this earth with the blessings of ALLAH for the benefit of humans.

What is the best time to read/recite Surah Rahman?

There is no specific time mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah related to the time for the recitation of Surah Rahman. Reading Quran is praiseworthy at any time. Somehow, it is recommended to recite the Quran during nighttime due to much virtue and high reward.

Recommended Surah to recite every day?

Every Surah and verse has a specific purpose and every Surah have the reward of recitation. There is a recommended Surah and someone can use it for curing himself from illness or want to protect himself then read Surah Yasin.

How much time is required to learn Surah Rahman?

First of all, you must have knowledge of the number of verses.
This Surah has 78 verses.
31 verses are the same (repeated).
Now we have to learn 47 verses after learning one verses and it will be repeated after each other verse.
Then you have to learn 5 verses on daily basis.
It will take you 9 or 10 days.
Then, revise them everyday after Fajr or before going to bed (after Isha).
You can learn it by yourself, but if you don’t have a teacher near you then it’s not a big deal. You can join our online memorization course. It will help you to perfect your learning, understanding and recitationa as well. WHY LATE? Join today.

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